Maggie Doyne

Maggie Doyne is a humanitarian and the founder and CEO of The BlinkNow Foundation. Her journey began as a teenager in suburban New Jersey, studying for the SATS with plans to attend college. At the last moment, Maggie decided to put her college plans on hold and set out on a gap year to travel the world. When Maggie landed in Nepal, in a town called Surkhet, she encountered a little girl named Hima who was breaking rocks to earn money. Overwhelmed by the lack of opportunity for children like Hima, she decided to help her by enrolling her in school. After seeing Hima’s success, Maggie and her cofounder, Tope Malla, used Maggie’s $5,000 of savings to open the Kopila Valley Children’s Home and School. Maggie and Tope created The BlinkNow Foundation because they want to create a world where all children are educated, safe, and loved. To date, The Kopila Valley School has enrolled 500+ students, and The Kopila Valley Children’s Home has cared for 56 children. Over the years, the organization has also built a women’s center, a health clinic, and a home for at-risk girls. In early 2019, The BlinkNow Foundation finished construction on a new sustainable campus that will benefit the community for years to come. Maggie has dedicated the last 12+ years of her life to educating children and empowering women. She was the recipient of the 2015 CNN Hero Award and her work has been recognized by the Dalai Lama, Elizabeth Gilbert, Nick Kristof, Katie Couric, and more. And, while her work is focused on Nepal, she speaks all over the world in the hopes of inspiring others to start projects that will generate positive change in our world.‍





At BlinkNow, we're changing the world by empowering Nepal's children. We do this through quality education, a safe environment, and inspiring others. We envision a world where every child is safe, educated, and loved. BlinkNow fulfills its mission by providing financial support and management oversight to the Kopila Valley Sewa Samaj in Surkhet, Nepal. Together, we run a school, a children's home, and a Women's Center. Our organization was co-founded by Maggie Doyne and Tope Malla in 2007.

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